Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Barkantine PCC Branding

Client: The Barkantine Primary Care Centre
Design Brief: Logo & Branding
Status: On-going

The Barkantine PCC is a centre that can house 8 GPs, a children centre, a healthy eating cafe, a birthing centre, community nurses, a community mental health team, a pharmacy, a chiropractor, a psychiatrist, a dentist - amongst other services. The new development will be one of the new key Primary Care Trust in the North Millwall area; we were consulted on their branding.

It's not everyday one gets to do a NHS PCT with a ship's name! One afternoon J & I went to the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich to seek inspiration and this is what we came up with.

Guiding Principles:
• Simplicity
• Clarity
• Modern
• Beautiful

The Barkantine (Barquentine) is a type of ship with at least 3 masts.
This is my favourite one as it resonates with anchoring and roots.
A ship that has moored is a ship that is home.

The merriment of unfurled banners and flags in the wind.

Something I wasn't too keen on but J suggested we add one in for measure.

Translating onto Signage and Promotional Materials:

Water photos theme:
Images proposed by J are from Getty's Images, our favourite stock photography source.
They are water-related images, for example mermaids for nurses.

Children art theme:

Client had some children art to play with,
unfortunately the colours were not considered by the tutors
so illustrations were done in nasty basic colours and very dark.

illustrations theme:
tri-tone illustrations, option for the budget-conscious client.


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