Current work
Up to my eyeballs with work. This month is the busiest the design studio has been in 5 years of existence, so I've been told. We had 5 annual reports at one point, there are only two of us designers. I also did video editing (12 youth projects rolled into one 15-min DVD film), and next in line another editing for CSU Showcase (it's almost done just awaiting client for credits). Besides that we had a youth consultation event held on Nov 8 to get feedback from young people in Camden about how they wanted to set up the youth council, run elections next year etc. At the same event we had a row of lappies for participants to test drive the site and register their feedback so we can take it into the next stage. C-world is gaining momentum with new partners and we'll need to see how we can make the site more accessible for disabled young people too. Of course this is kinda new to me too ... how DO blind people access internet? We also just set up the c-forum on that site and I guess I am being introduced to things like spamlists and constantly checking posts etc -- am told this usually takes awhile to get up to a vibrant community feel. More to come later.
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