Wednesday, September 13, 2006

CSU Showcase 2006

Title: CSU Showcase 2006
Client: Camden Summer University
Photography & DV filming of 2.5 hr event 

Camden Summer University ended with the traditional CSU Showcase held at the Shaw Theatre on 1st Sept 2006.

Performances from the summer workshops included Urban Dance, Singer Songwriting, Poem Slam, Salsa, Drama clips, Asian fusion dances, MCs and Bus a Moves. Also featured the Beat Band (yep a proper band with 3 guitars and a wicked drummist and the all-important amps), the Jam on Crew (boogaloo locking & popping) and Tribal Tree.

(photo of the CSU Peer Motivators and Guest Richard Blackwood)

(Singer Songwriters)

(Beat band members preparing the stage)

(intro clip of movie)


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