Monday, May 14, 2007

YOF Camden Showcase 07: Certs+Posters

Client: Camden Youth & Connexions
Event: Youth Opportunity Fund (YOF) Camden Showcase -
Design: 6 x Certificates of Achievement, 10 x Youth Group Info display boards
Quick turnaround

Brief: This event was held at Camden Centre on 24th March 2007, to celebrate young people’s achievement and award them for leading projects funded by the Youth Opportunity Fund.

Certificates of Achievement were presented to project leaders and successful projects. There were 6 category winners support the outcomes from Every Child Matters: Being Healthy, Staying Safe, Enjoy and Achieve, Making a Positive Contribution, Achieve Economic Well Being and Most Innovative. The winner of each category received £500 and a certificate of Excellence.

There was also display boards that gave an idea to visitors what the youth groups were about, and how to apply for the next round of funding.

Certificate of Achievement

Display poster for youth project


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