Saturday, January 06, 2007

BBBC Work Log

DESIGN @ Bromley By Bow Centre
Week 1 (20th Nov) :
I worked on a tri-lingual Poplar Harca Health & Leisure guidebook, 20 sections @ language (they really liked it apparently! so can't wait to post it online.

Week 2 (27th Nov) :
I worked on the Network newsletter, 24 pages full colour, produced for the local PCT.

Week 3 (4th Dec) :
Worked on logo branding for the Island House Community Centre based in Isle of Dogs.

Week 4 (11th Dec) Update:
i) Network newsletter is over and done with, awaiting delivery from the printer. Please click here to view it.
ii) Health & Leisure guidebook has been proposed, mock-up is with the client, who have to organise their information.
iii) Island House Community Centre Logo is due to be presented to their Board of Directors in early January; in the meantime our client contact has seen our idea sheets and we're awaiting feedback.
iv) Chrisp Street Market posters: Which I am working on right now, updating the streetmap and shops and creating the right atmosphere for two themes. We did a rekkie on Tues morning, it was pretty nippy but the store traders were in good mood and chatted with us.

Week 5 (18th Dec) :
This is the final week to wrap up before Christmas/New Year week break. Am off to Ireland again to be with the folks ;)
Spent a bit more time with the Chrisp Street posters, status left with client as we need more images from their side.

Week 6 (Jan 2) :
Painfully slow week to start off the year with. I finished two main pieces:
i) BBBC Children's Centre leaflet. A candy coloured 8-fold product by a previous designer, and took it over to give it a more 'settled' design. Client seemed happy so hopefully this job will finish soon.
ii) THPCT Tender Bid Invitation to Run a Cafe. Client seemed happy.

Week 7 (Jan 8) :
i) Chrisp Street Market posters. Client drops off photos, so am working on montage. Files are very big (illuminated sign size), about 2Gig. Had to switch to a bigger Intel G5 as it kept crashing the machine.
ii) Skillsmatch leaflet Leaflet with interpretation of graphs, to show breakdown of participants. This goes into Skillsmatch brochure/folder.
iii) LAP Event Feb 07 Bi-lingual health open day poster, also ad in local newspaper. Sent for Bengali translation.

Week 8 (Jan 15) :
J's birthday this week.
i) Skillsmatch programme leaflets. A set of three program leaflets. This also goes into Skillsmatch brochure/folder.
ii) LAP Event Feb 07 Finalised and sent to client's printer. Click to see link here.
iii) Chrisp Street posters Sent pdfs of both winter and summer posters to client. They seem to like it.
iv) THPCT Tender Bid Invitation to Run a Cafe. Finally client provides the architectural drawing, so this is sent off to printers. See link here.
v) Skillsmatch recruitment ad Started on this quickie, but missing essential info.
vi) Island House Community Centre logo Presentation went well early Jan, they wanted a reference to a cross incorporated so sent two versions off. Vertical and horizontal versions for signage.

Week 9 (Jan 24) :
i) Skillsmatch ad Two sizes now, layout done, just awaiting logos.
ii) Mile End Hospital map Drawn a 3D version of their flatplan map as signage at the main entrance. This translates into electronic, so includes markers.
iii) Chrisp Street posters x 2 Ongoing.

Week 10 (Jan 29) :
i) Poplar Harca Health & Leisure guidebook Finally client came back on this with final text so working on this. Illustrations to draw, laying out of text, tri-lingual, and estimated 42 pages.

PS: As usual I can't reveal professional content of unfinished work, but will upload as individual blog entries once printed. Please return.


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