Monday, October 24, 2005

To Bee or not To Bee 1 : Current Whereabouts (Dec 2005)

Tuesday Dec 7th, 5.30 pm
Whilst having the meeting (leaflet work due in January), a neighbour enquired if I'd like to get involved in the launch of a new magazine next year. Great, if it all comes together.

Tuesday Dec 6th, 5.30 pm
Meeting a client tomorrow to design a promo leaflet, an extension of an old project.

Saturday Dec 3rd, 3.30 am
LFS: Tuesday. delivered the pdfs for the Grad Booklet.

BSI: After two versions we're on our way to almost printing stage. One more confirmation and then client signs off to printer. Would like to close this before Christmas so I can actually have 4 days break! (see link)

Thursday Nov 24th, 8.45 pm
Got my Mac back, a week ago. Picked it up last Saturday. As I suspected, it was the PSU. Today I also sorted the jumper settings on the two DVRs, now both work!

Almost finished the Grad Booklet project but client contact is in Spain so upon return will sign it off. Have put the cover on my blog. The rest sample pages will follow when I get a breather. (see link)

Gonna start designing the BSI project cover ...

Wednesday Nov 16th, 11.55pm
It's been 2.5 weeks - Apple Centre Regent Street says the PSU is delivered all the way from USA, and still waiting shipment of the 'constrained' item! This job takes 2 hours max. to install and test, but the shipping time is hilarious.

On the workfront ...
Camden Fever newsletter, final quarter 2005 :
Completed, and sent to printer. (see link)

9 shorts for Accreditation Event: Client was so pleased with the end result of my work, she added £500 to the original budget. She even gave a £15 gift voucher as a token of appreciation. Excellent!

LFS Graduation Booklet 2005 :
Started work on it when I came back from Ireland. Sifting through the info and photos, 48 student bios! Took photos to use for the front cover, not sure how it's going to end up yet, a bit of playing around with the images required.

BSI can wait till next week!

Tuesday Nov 8th, 9 am
Just finished a series of 9 short films that I had been working on the last 2 weeks, which culminated in the presentation event yesterday. Feedback was good, Head boss came up to me and said he was impressed. Invoicing by end of month.

Short crisis moment: A freak power surge rendered my Mac unable to start - I suspect the power supply unit (PSU) got busted. Have yet to get it back from repairs since last Sunday. At the moment I am working from my friend's laptop, totally grateful to him for the loan. Lost three days, lots of sleepless nights but the most important thing was the show goes on. I refused to beaten based on technicalities as humans are meant to master machines, not the other way around. Thus the chilling calm mode, as noted by my Canadian friend who came to stay with us that weekend.

Unfortunately I cannot stop to rest too long, have to start/continue on other projects. Have to keep busy, I just can't sit quiet for too long. Yay, I am booked to work on the Grad booklet (40 pages), as well as a new client British Standards (BSI). Today am picking up materials from them today, doing a rekkie for photography, and getting final confirmation for the newsletter too. All these before leaving for Ireland on Thurs returning Sunday.

Mon Oct 24th, 11pm
Am pretty tight time-wise, working on a few projects.

My DVD burner kept skipping so I had to install a new internal one. Best bit is it burns Dual Layer yay.

Upgraded to 10.3.9 from 10.2.8 finally!

DV filming last week, then editing several pieces for an event on 7th Nov. Newsletter design due 7th Nov. An A4 advert for RCA (see link). Then away from UK for a short break. Possibly designing a 40-page booklet due 24th Nov (tbc). Editing 2x young angry men' short film projects after.

Will update when I have a moment to spare. Adios and be happy!


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