Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Japanese Animation Film Festival 2000

Japanese Animation Film Festival 2000
Poster Design + Graphics

Featuring some of the best short works by leading Japanese animators and the popular feature-length film 'Tombstone for Flies'. Organised by the Japan Foundation Kuala Lumpur, with the co-operation of Kelab Seni Filem Malaysia.

The programme is designed as a 2-sided A3 poster, folded to A5 booklet. Colours chosen reflect fresh talent and subject matter. Lines, not unlike animation lines, morph across the poster. The big graphic in the middle, could be interpreted as a flower/shuriken blade, or 'throwing star'/hash symbol. Font selected has its original severe italic slant, help move the idea if 'moving image'.

(poster side 1)

(poster side 2)
I also did a couple pieces of work for the Film Society - to be posted later.


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