Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Routledge Publicity 2004

Design for Routledge T+F Publicity Autumn-Winter Highlights 2004

I was thinking of the autumn winter months as snuggling and wrapped up comfortably, reading my book. I remember looking closely at my first snowflake on the window pane, just before it melted away. The encounter with a single snowflake and the magical frozen-in-time moment. I tried to capture it with a graphic representation on the cover.

Also that time of the year reminds me of Christmas fancy fonts that appear on the seasonal cards. So I continued with titles inside with the same dreamy feel.

Other links you might be interested in:
Routledge publicity highlights 2002,
Routledge publicity highlights 2003,
Routledge Molotch Invite 2003

(icy cover)

(pg2: editor message, pg3: first book)

(pg10+11: sample pages)


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