Thursday, September 01, 2005

MIMOS Annual Report 2000

Photography + Design for Annual Report 1999
Our Favourite Things


This year we focused on 'My Favourite Things'. Again working with the same copywriter Helena, this two-person team came up with the whole concept and annual report. I photographed the Board individually with their hobbies, and we added quotes from staff about their Favourite things on some pages.

Note: The accompanying booklet 'Welcome to the e-world' was designed by the in-house design group.

(inside pages: introduction)

(1st spread: Chairman's opening report)
Photo of Chairman diving, uncredited.

(2nd spread: Chairman's Report continuing pages)
Graphic heading:
Change on Tap.
Timeline of major breakthroughs, runs at the bottom of pages.

(3rd spread: Chairman's closing report)
Graphic Heading: Community on Tap

(Graphic heading: 'C' on Tap)

(Graphic heading: Computing on Tap)

(Graphic heading: Confidence on Tap)

(4th spread: CEO Message)
I photographed him (Gainsborough-style) doing his favourite thing: Gardening in his plot of land.

To coincide with the CEO's Report which forms the main bulk of the Annual Report and his hobby in Gardening, I used the maleability of green hedges to portray ideas on each page of his report. These are the graphic headings.

(Graphic heading: Of Cabbages and Kings)

(Graphic heading: A Tale of Two Heretics)

(Graphic heading: Modus Operandi.Com)

(Graphic heading: Hi-Tech Higher Humans)

(Graphic heading: The Over-Developing World)

(Graphic heading: IP Networks VIP Networkers)

(Graphic heading: A Brave New World)


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