Sunday, September 04, 2005

iVEST caravan 2000

iVEST caravan

(More info to be posted soon)

It came about, that iVEST needed a 'mobile registration unit' to go around the country to register people onto the internet security system. To give them a face that was immediately recognised, I used the same colours for the caravan signage, as with the smartcard.
(Rodeo vehicles pull the caravan)
(2D signage)

Twin caravans driven by the Isuzu Rodeo 4wd vehicles, were to be launched. I also oversaw the implementation of the signage with the caravan builder's architect, this was built over a period of 3 months.

In 1999 iVEST was the prototype smartcard technology being introduced in Malaysia. It now forms the platform on which the national identity card sits.

PS: I will be posting my iVEST smartcard design later. Please visit again.


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