Network 8 Newsletter
Client: Tower Hamlets Primary Care Trust (THPCT)
Brief: Bi-monthly Newsletter
Total Pages: 24
This is one of those quick turnaround newsletters, 4 issues a year so it already has a set template. Newsletters are stuff that most designers do at the beginning of their career so most graduate from that experience with a sense of disgust because it can get repetitive. Well, the usual to be expected: Back-and-forth tedious communications but thankfully Jools and I are both meticulous so we can complement each other. On the days when I am not around she picks up, and vice versa.
This job alone is not worth a lot in monetary terms and that can be a real deterent in making more effort because wasted time could also cost us. But I needed to keep my motivation up so I spiced up the festivity by throwing in a few vector illustrations (Lights strewn across a few pages, over titles and pictures playfully) (Holly branch) (Partridge on a pear tree - to which the client exclaimed, "Ooh can we have like, the drummers etc?), you know that sort of thing.
The same festive sentiment was picked up by the client which was great. The front page title now read 'Nurses Celebrate', rather than 'Nurses on a Course'. NB: The double page spread is a pull-out calendar (not shown here).
Pg 2+3 spread:
Pg 9+10 spread:
Pg 16+17 spread:
Finally it is out of the way, at the printers.
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