Thursday, September 01, 2005

Black nor White 2002

Black nor White film
directed by Anjali Nair

Format: s-16mm
Duration: 20 mins
Genre: Drama

(promo from website)

This short film written, directed and produced by my senior Anjali. I worked as her Production Manager and worked closely with her pre- and during filming. She's moved back to India and got married and her film's also travelled all over ~ Official Selection Palm Springs International Short Film Festival. This girl is one hell of a good producer! Of course her charm and good looks helped! She basically reeled in Asif Kapadia (talented director of The Warrior, 2001) as Executive Producer and a few famous South Asian actors together. Asif is a real nice guy and came to our wrap party at Masala Zone.

I first worked with her on another senior's short film - she was AD and I was Continuity. They all thought I was amusing because I was so serious about getting it all right, it being my first Film job and all ... They all gave me a lot of encouragement and good tips throughout my time in film school.

For more info on the film, check out the film's website :



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