Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Chrisp Street Market posters

Client: Chrisp Street Market
Brief: Seasonal posters x 2
Fits into: Illuminated board at front of market.
Size: 6 sheets (almost 1.7 x 2.0m)

This morning we went on a spontaneous rekkie to the market to update the street map and check the shop names and chatted with the local traders who said hello and pointed out a few things which was interesting. Like the position of the poster should come from East India Docks Road not the Chrisp Street side, which we will suggest to client as well.

This is Britain's first pedestranised shopping centre!

I wanted to re-create the atmosphere of festivity and good times. Using several photographs of activities I merged them into a montage mounted on a Christmas ball with a 'jumping out at you' effect.

Summer poster

Winter poster


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